
StarTree stakeholder group

October 3, 2013: Forming a StarTree regional stakeholder group for Scotland

Photo of ground-covering forest moss, sourced from Wikimedia Commons

One of the things Reforesting Scotland has been asked to do as part of delivering the StarTree project in Scotland is to invite a small number of people to form a ‘regional stakeholder group‘ (RSG), to help guide and inform our StarTree work. This is a difficult task, because it means choosing a very small portion of the many people who are interested in and involved with Scotland’s non-wood forest resources. The choice is further constrained because the project design means we have to find people representing specific areas such as policy makers, landowners, foresters, entrepreneurs, public authorities, development agencies, forestry research institutes … as well as foragers!

The upside of this is that a small number of people with a wide range of perspectives on non-wood forest products in Scotland will be brought together for what should prove to be some very interesting discussions, and those discussions will be communicated via StarTree project outputs. They will also all individually be part of many different networks, so will be able to some extent to represent the knowledge of a much wider group.