
whatwedo_acornsDespite the image our name might first conjure up, Reforesting Scotland’s vision is about more than the number of trees on the land – and getting from here to there will take more than simply planting trees.

This section outlines a few of the ideas through which Reforesting Scotland (RS) and its members explore, express and manifest this vision, with links to examples of projects, publications and news items.

Activity around any of these ideas may involve:

– and, from time to time, tree planting.

Other windows onto what RS does are provided by the Projects, Publications, Journal and Gatherings sections.

A website can only give a flavour of all of these activities. To really get the feel of it all, you need to join RSShop, take part in the discussions on Facebook and on the members’ e-group, come along to Annual Gatherings, meet the people and visit the places which all go towards making up this diverse movement. Ultimately what RS does is what it is: a network of people communicating with each other and the wider world.