Over the years we have produced a range of projects, publications and policy statements, but what we do, individually and collectively, also goes beyond formal projects, and covers a wide range of themes, some of which are illustrated in the ‘What we do‘ section. Our activities are inspired by the Reforesting Scotland vision.

The annual Reforesting Scotland Gathering provides the opportunity for members to meet and share ideas and experiences in an informal and sociable atmosphere. Members also have various online forums through which to communicate throughout the year.

Through its international networking, Reforesting Scotland links with people-focused projects throughout the world, particularly among the temperate and boreal forest zones.

As a grassroots charity we are looking for new members who can help us take up the challenges that face Scotland’s native forests and woodland culture in the future. Whatever your interest, be it as a tree grower, a craft worker, a designer of buildings, or simply as a supporter of Reforesting Scotland’s aims, join Reforesting Scotland and help practical work towards the regeneration of Scotland’s land and communities.


Reforesting Scotland is its members, and one of the most important things it does is to give them opportunities to communicate and collaborate with each other.

Meeting other members

The best opportunity to meet RS members is at the Annual Gathering.

The Radical Rowan newsletter

The Radical Rowan is a newsletter by and for RS members, keeping each other up to date with RS projects and RS-related projects we’re involved with. Email if you have material to offer for the next issue or if you can help with collating, editing or layout.

A say in our running

The AGM – held each year during the Annual Gathering – gives Reforesting Scotland members an annual opportunity to review how the organisation is running and what it is doing. It is at the AGM that the charity’s directors are appointed for the coming year. If you are an RS member and would like to serve as a director, get in touch before the Annual Gathering.

Other ways of being involved

Depending on your time, energy, talents and inclination, there are many ways to help Reforesting Scotland! You could arrange for the RS display – or the Forest Garden display – to be on show at a local venue or event. You could simply distribute a few RS leaflets, or help to distribute the Journal. If you’re a public speaker, there’s a Reforesting Scotland powerpoint slideshow which you could use to tell people about RS.

Everything Reforesting Scotland is and does happens because its members make it happen. If you think something is missing from current activities, maybe you’re just the right person to add it to the mix.


Reforesting Scotland (RS) is all of its members, but work done and decisions made are often down to a much smaller group of people, the directors, staff and core volunteers.

Anna Woolverton has been a member of RS for many years, starting off working in the office doing finance and admin when it was in Shandwick Place, Edinburgh, and getting to know many of the regular attendees at Gatherings since then.  She lives on the edge of the Pentland Hills, in Carlops, enjoying walking, cycling and gardening.  She and Peter have planted over 200 native species surrounding their garden, looking forward to a woodland for the future.

Amanda Calvert describes herself as ‘thriving on work’, which is just as well given her CV. She started as a biology teacher but quickly moved out of teaching and into building dry stone walls and gaining a Masters in forest ecology. She has had a varied forestry-related career, from auditing wood fuel quality assurance schemes and checking nursery bio-security to researching markets and management systems for small woods. She has also been a director of the Community Woodlands Association.

Gus Routledge is an ecologist who is rarely without his camera. He tweets wildlife photos and observations as @PinkfootedGus. His work takes him to many remote parts of Scotland and he is taking the lead on the Mountain Birch Project.

Al Whitworth is a woodland crofter and woodworker in the north Highlands. As crofters, Al and his wife Aurore aim to live simply off the land, and see trees as a major part of this system. On their 8-acre woodland croft they are starting a small tree nursery, growing willow for basketry, fruit trees and shrubs and coppice for craft and woodfuel. Since joining RS Al has re-started our coppice discussions and now oversees the Scottish Coppice Network.

Phil Knott is a crofter on the Isle of Skye who has had a life-long passion for trees. Along with his partner Laura, they have a 3 ha wooded croft in the Sleat Peninsula, planted around 16 years ago with a mix of native species. Keen to manage the space for wildlife as well as food, fuel and fibre production, they have been slowly diversifying their croft with a great range of fruit trees and shrubs, using the shelter that their young trees afford. Phil is a naturalist at heart, and knows the wildlife of the Highlands and Islands intimately. With his background in crofting, land management and biodiversity, Phil also sits as the vice chair of the Scottish steering group of the Nature Friendly Farming Network, as well as on the Agriculture and Environment Committee for the Scottish Crofting Federation and the Cross Party Group on Crofting. He is passionate about integrating trees across the landscape, especially where there are multiple benefits for horticulture and livestock. Phil can be found on Twitter and the croft can be found on Facebook and Instagram as Wildlife Croft Skye.

Kati Kärki works on restoring mountain woodlands in Highland Perthshire. Her background is in the arts, horticulture and forestry and she is a part-time MSc student at the School of Mountain Studies. As a keen mycophile and ecology enthusiast, she is happiest exploring wild forests and treelines. 

Iain Matthews is a lecturer in Ecology at the University of St Andrews. His main teaching and research interests are the ecology of anthropologically impacted habitats and their ecological restoration. He has been a member of RS for 15 years, and lives just outside of St Andrews with Lynne and their two sons, Rowan and Struan and 11 acres of mixed deciduous woodland. 

Angie Newton is a retired biologist specialising in mosses and liverworts. She is now restoring an area of woodland, parts of which she is bringing into coppice rotation.

Staff and consultants

Much of Reforesting Scotland’s activities are carried out by the directors and other volunteers, but there are also a few part-time staff and freelancers working on specific aspects.

Alan Carter is our Co-ordinator, dealing with most of Reforesting Scotland’s day-to-day admin –

Mandy Meikle edits the Reforesting Scotland Journal

Al Whitworth and Alan Carter manage this website, which is updated by a team of RS members and staff –

Other Funders & Supporters

Reforesting Scotland is reliant on the generosity of individuals, companies and other organisations in order to help us achieve our aims. Over the years we have been very successful in attracting funding support to allow us to work on a variety of projects. However, funding – especially core funding – is always a challenge for a small organisation like Reforesting Scotland.