Welcome to the Autumn 2021 issue of Reforesting Scotland, our 64th issue, with the theme of ‘A living from the land’.
Theme articles include;
- Robert Barbour: Fincastle Farm
- Roger Polson: Knock Farm
- Magnus Davidson: Repeopling Scotland
- Nick Marshall: The fall and rise of small sawmills
- Darran Barton: Permawild
- Sarah MacDonald: Our Bright Future
- Rory MacPhee: Lindor Curative Forest
- Tasha Fyffe and Iona Hyde: New woodland for Eigg
Plus news, book reviews, the next installment of our Artists in Wood series featuring Marchmont House, Project Report on Aspen regeneration at Mar Lodge Estate, Woodland Report on Fort William wood, Beasts of the kelp forest and more…
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