
Friday 5th October to Sunday 7th October 2018

The 2018 Gathering is nearly upon us. As usual we’ll have a mix of visits, talks, workshops, practical demonstrations, food, company and dancing. We are asking folk to pre-book the visits to avoid confusion on the day. There is a great set to choose from: we have a trip to Mar Lodge Estate to see regeneration of the native pinewood, a large planted reforestation scheme at Invercauld Estate, the ‘Pearls in Peril’ riparian management project around the headwaters of the Dee and a visit to an ancient peat bog to read the area’s woodland history in the company of expert Dr Andy McMullen. There will also be a gentler walk in the neighbourhood of Braemar. We previously advertised the visits as taking place on Saturday morning due to venue restrictions, but we now have the use of the venue for the whole day so the talks will now take place in the morning with the visits in the afternoon.

The outline programme is as follows;

  • Friday afternoon – optional visit to Birse Community Trust
  • Friday evening – meal & introductory sessions
  • Saturday morning –  a series of talks, with speakers including Mike Daniels of the John Muir Trust and Andy McMullen, ecologist
  • Saturday afternoon – lunch followed by site visits
  • Saturday evening – meal; talk by Andy Wightman MSP; ceilidh
  • Sunday morning – Reforesting Scotland AGM followed by workshops
  • Sunday afternoon – lunch and depart (optional activity for those able to stay on later – foraging walk)

You can book for the whole weekend or just the Saturday. Download, fill in and return the booking form:
2018 gathering booking form.

If you have any problems with the booking form, please email the Co-ordinator at

Braemar from Morrone by Mick Knapton (Wikimedia Commons)

Categories: Events