
Cover of Reforesting Scotland Journal Issue 51Spring/Summer 2015: Stories from the West

From north to south, there’s a lot going on in the west.

Buy this issue now for £5.00 including postage.

Articles include:

  1. Atlantic woodlands – a four-page feature on our temperate rainforest

  2. GalGael and the Commonwealth Games – our common wealth

  3. Life in Leckmelm Wood – elemental living in the north-west

  4. South West Community Woodlands Trust – sadness and joy

  5. Reintegrating deer in Knoydart – the deer debate continues

  6. A letter from… Romania – farming and wildlife

  7. Beasts of the Forest: Kentish glory moth

  8. New regular ‘My Favourite Stove’ looks at the Rocket Mass Heater

  9. Artists in Wood: Virgil Bauzys

  10. The Big Tree Society – a green wood revolution

… plus a Tribute to Godfrey Smith, updates on 1,000 Huts, StarTree and other news, recipes, book reviews and more.

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