
Cover of Reforesting Scotland Journal Issue 50Autumn/Winter 2014: ‘Restoring the Land and the People’

Looking back – and forward – in our 50th issue.

Articles include:
Bernard Planterose: From wet desert to woodland economy.
George Monbiot: Rewilding.
Andy Wightman: My journey with Reforesting Scotland.
Alan Watson Featherstone: Trees for Life.
Viv Halcrow: Coigach-Assynt Living Landscape
Justin Kendrick: Reclaiming the land.
Alan Carter: Participation Ecology

Regular features:
Beasts of the Forest: Beavers.
Food From the Forest: Sea buckthorn
Artists in Wood: Tim Stead
Forager’s report: Austria

… plus news, book reviews and more.

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