
Subscription (renews annually)


Join by Direct Debit for recurring membership.

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The best way to join Reforesting Scotland is by Direct Debit. That way you can sign up once and forget about it! Once more, we can receive Gift Aid on all of these memberships.

The cost of an annual Reforesting Scotland subscription is:

  • Standard rate £30
  • Concessionary rate* £15
  • Supporting rate** £60
  • Organisational rate £50

*The concessionary rate is available to anyone who cannot afford the standard rate due to a low income.
**The supporting rate includes an extra donation. It helps us to keep RS membership and events open to those who might otherwise not be able to afford them.
These rates apply anywhere in the world.

Note that the subscriptions are processed by a 3rd party site, CAF, and the website says “donation” rather than susbscription on the page!