Scottish Coppice Network

We have now launched an informal group for coppicing in Scotland, affiliated to the UK-wide National Coppice Federation, bringing their support and guidance. We have a Facebook group where we will discuss these things, so please join this if you use Facebook. We also have a newsletter that you can join below. The coppice group remains nestled within Reforesting Scotland at the moment.

What the group does

The Scottish Coppice Network aims to promote coppicing in Scotland. We want to increase areas under coppice management, facilitate coppice training and promote associated crafts.

We are volunteer led and if you have an idea for some training that you could help organise, or would like to run an event and need some help, please get in touch. There is a small budget available from Reforesting Scotland to help fund and facilitate events and projects to further the development of coppice in Scotland.

The network maintains an email newsletter which you can subscribe to below. We also try to organise an annual gathering in the autumn which is open to all. Read more about the 2021 gathering here, and the 2022 gathering here.

A little history…

During the Scottish Crannog Centre’s ‘Regenerating Hazel Coppice‘ conference in April 2013, delegates suggested that there should be a network of some kind for people involved in coppicing in Scotland. Reforesting Scotland followed this up by producing the 2014 Coppice Network Study Report funded by Forestry Commission Scotland. Progress slowed after this and eventually stalled before the Coppice Network was created.

In 2019 a Scottish Coppice Network Facebook Group was started and quickly gained popularity. There were a few discussions to create a more formal group, affiliated with the National Coppice Federation, originally intended for 2020, but finally it happened in 2021. The Facebook group currently has over 900 members and the Coppice Network has over 50 members.

Join the Coppice Network

Joining the group is now free and funded by Reforesting Scotland. When you join we’ll add you to the newsletter mailing list. We aim to send 3 newsletters per year. Consider joining the Facebook group too.