Scotland’s rainforest is one of our most precious habitats. It is as important as tropical rainforest, but even rarer. Yet few people in Scotland know it exists and fewer still know how globally significant it is.
Sometimes known as Atlantic woodland or Celtic rainforest, Scotland’s rainforest is made up of the native woodlands found on our west coast in the ‘hyper-oceanic’ zone. Here, high levels of rainfall and relatively mild, year-round temperatures provide just the right conditions for some of the world’s rarest bryophytes and lichens.
Reforesting Scotland is a member of the Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforest, which was formed to protect and promote this rare habitat. We provided funding for indigenous people from the Amazon rainforest to come and join Scottish rainforest activists during the COP26 climate conference. After the conference the Scottish Government announced new action to protect the rainforest. The 2022 Reforesting Scotland Gathering will be in the heart of the rainforest zone in Oban.